Otomix Extreme Trainer Shoe


The Otomix Extreme Trainer Pro Shoe is the latest in style and design from this popular manufacturer. The trainer is, as the name would imply, more of a training shoe then an Olympic lifting style shoe. The high top design and zero-height sole make it great for all types of lifting including those lifts that you would rather not have a heeled shoe such as deadlifts. If you are the average bodybuilder performing more routine lifts such as deadlifts, leg presses and even squats this shoe may be a great alternative to the others available. I know a lot of guys wear a pair of flat shoes such as these for the aforementioned lifts, and then put on a pair of raised shoes such as the Adistar or Do-win for their other lifts. If you have the money for that then you can buy more than 1 pair of lifting shoes, if not, then this is a great “all-around” shoe for cross training, bodybuilding and martial arts training.


You’ll find the best prices and biggest selection of Otomix gear at Bodybuilding.com


  • Zero height heel
  • Padded high top
  • Versatile shoe
  • No heel makes it a perfect shoe for flat lifts such as deadlifts and leg presses


  • More expensive than other options
  • Not the most attractive design
  • Bulky feeling

3 thoughts on “Otomix Extreme Trainer Shoe”

    1. Those look bad-ass to me!!! Whoever said they were "fugly" is simply confused. That is the most popular shoe at the gym.

  1. they may look fugly, thats just a opinion, ottomix are some of the best shoes around for training,i find that the power trainers are a bit bulky but the stingrays are wicked, i dont care that im another person down the gym with them, but they a bit popular and most people who were them think they are as hard as fu.. just another opinion!

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