How would you like to receive an easy $200 just for writing a review about the NB MX20 Minimus Shoe? is holding our first ever review submission contest and we’re offering cash prizes to the top 3 reviewers. If you’ve ever worn the MX20 trainers then you can cash-in on your experience and opinion on how they perform!
Not a great writer? It doesn’t matter! We’re looking for more of a “technical analysis” of the shoe and its overall performance – not a sales letter or college level writing essay!
So what makes a “good review”? Well, reviews should be written in English and be original and informative. The more thorough and informative the review, the better! It’s as simple as that.
And just so everyone is clear, this contest is for the New Balance Minimus 20 Road MX20, not the MT20 trail model. If you are unsure of the difference, you can check NB’s site here: New Balance Minimus 20 Road
Here Are the Unofficial Rules and Guidelines:
The contest will begin on June 1st, 2012 and end on July 31th, 2012. Deadline for submissions will be Midnight (Central US time) on July 30th. Results and contest winners will be announced on August 3rd 2012.
Contest prizes will be $200 cash to first place, $100 cash to second place and $50 cash to third place. Prizes will be delivered via Paypal or, if you don’t have a Paypal account, via money order mailed to you. (We’ll cover the Paypal fees)
Reviews are judged based on how informative and trustworthy they are. If it sounds like you’ve never actually worn the shoes, then please don’t waste our time submitting a review. Reviews will also be judged based on originality of the work. DO NOT submit a plagiarized, re-worded or “spun” review.
Reviews need to be written in a “technical analysis” style. You should try and cover all aspects of the shoe and provide as much information as possible about its performance. A good layout to start with, although certainly not required, would be as follows:
Intro to Shoe Model and Brand
Design and Styling
Fit and Sizing
Overall Performance
A Final List of Pros and Cons
Finally, each review needs to rate the aspects of the shoe on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest, 5 the highest) based on five factors: Comfort, Function, Price, Quality and Styling. Ratings can be in half increments (ie. Comfort – 3.5).
Optionally, each reviewer is allowed to use a Nickname that will be used for the Author name and you will be allowed to submit a short bio. The bio section can include information about yourself, your company or your gym. You are allowed to insert a single hyperlink inside the bio if you chose. No affiliate links to online stores please. You can also email us any photos, video links, docs, etc. that you’d like us to include in your review and a profile pictures to wlshoereviews (at) gmail[dot]com.
That’s the gist of it. The Official Rules are below in the contest submission form. Be sure to read them. If you have any questions you can email us at wlshoereviews (at) gmail[dot]com
If you have a blog, a website or you are an active member of a forum, feel free to tell people about this contest – even if you aren’t planning on participating. Thank you in advance for spreading the word!